Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Rheumy, My Friend

I feel fortunate enough to be at the point in my course of treatment that my 30 minute appointments with my Rheumatologist, Dr. Yee at the Hospital for Special Surgery, are spent mostly catching up. It's clear that he takes a genuine interest in my life, and I in his. He has been one of the most important people in my life over the past 3+ years. He saw me at my worst and has brought me back to my best.

This blog post is dedicated to all the physicians out there that take great care of their patients, are involved in medicine for more than just the money, and who have helped us overcome the greatest obstacles in our lives.

Tell us about your favorite doc - rheumy or otherwise - in the comment section!



  1. Wonderful post. I'm lucky to have a great rheumy-- Susan Baker. She and her staff always take time to listen and discuss my current state of health. They make all the difference in my wellness.

    Have a great week.

  2. I'm lucky to have a wonderful rheumatologist, too. Dr. McAlpine always takes time with me, and listens carefully. He always teaches me something new about my RA, too--and I've had this disease for 24 years. His manner is cheerful, interested, and gentle, and thanks to him, my RA is controlled. He is, hands down, the best doctor I've ever had.

  3. I am so glad to hear your stories! It's nice to know that - despite the fact that we will be dealing with this disease for the rest of our lives - we at least have a physician on our team we feel confident in and comfortable with! xoxo Kat
